I wanted to add photos of the knee immobilizer to my comment about it so you can see that Grandpa had it as a constant companion, except we don't have a photo of it with his PJ's. It was worn consistently for three different 6-week periods --each time he dislocated his hip-- a total of 18 weeks in 2009. I'm glad I didn't have to wear it! I thought it bad enough that I had to strap it on and take it off! Hope better days are on the way for 2010!
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Sucker зубочистка настенный мундмойщик чашки кисточка для макияжа чашки
5 years ago
I'm so impressed with your blogging skills! I also hope Grandpa never has to wear the stabilizer again!
Welcome to the blogging world! 2010 is bound to be better. We'll look forward to finding this third companion covered with dust somewhere in the basement.
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