Saturday, May 30, 2009

Memorial Day in South Jordan

On Memorial Day this year Thomas got the grand treatment.  It was an absoultely beautiful day, I had my camera and took pictures so maybe your memories can be jogged of Memorial Days of yester year.  

We started off the morning with the traditional ceremony at the South Jordan Cemetary where we ran into many extended family members and had what every kid waits for, the firing of the guns.  In case you were wondering, kids still scramble to pick up the shells.  Visiting with the Burgons and Miners was had and then we left Grandpa and Grandma to decorate the graves and we began a tour of the Mabey properties.

John reminised about the Albert and Celestine Mabey home and told Thomas where the original cabin had been.  We drove down Mabey Lane and checked in on the new development that is starting to take shape.  If you haven't seen the Hindu Temple or Annt Mame's house, I recommend that drive.  Then we finished our rounds with admiring the beautiful old farm equipment in the farm yard.  There are some dandies.  

Hope your Memorial Day was as lovely as ours was.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Endless Song

On Monday night we went to hear Marianne's choir, the University of Utah Singer's where we heard several beautiful pieces of music, but there was one in particular that was outstanding.  It was a newly commissioned piece especially for this choir.   The text was written by a former member of the choir and the music by a famous composer.  When the Singers sang the piece it was spellbinding.  If you would like to listen to it click here.  It's called Endless Song and I think they will be performing it in Eastern Europe in a few weeks on their tour as one of their contest pieces.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we did  in person!